Risk Free Public Relations
We are so confident that we can do a passionate and outstanding job for you, that we are the only major Public Relations firm to offer a risk free guarantee. Simply put, at the completion of your contract, if you for any reason do not feel satisfied with our effort on your behalf, we won’t charge you for the following month. Period.
Vast Experience
In our seventeenth year as one of the most prominent Public Relations firms in the entertainment industry, Levine Communications has vast experience in strategic Public Relations and the implementation of a positive campaign on your behalf. Strong, embedded and credible contacts with the media garnered over a long period of time offer our clients a competitive advantage.
Celebrity Contacts
We have represented hundreds of celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Suzanne Somers, Nancy Kerrigan, Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz, Paul Reiser, David Bowie, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Prince, among others. Levine Communications has celebrity and media contacts second to none.
Called by Success Magazine "one of the best net-workers in America," Levine Communications founder Michael Levine frequently utilizes the concept of networking to the advantage of his clients. Introductions to appropriate media movers and shakers give our clients a distinct advantage.
Passionate Staff
Frequently referred to as “the hardest working staff in Public Relations,” the Levine Communications team works tirelessly to advance their clients’ careers.
Rapid Response
In today’s media world, there are only two speeds, fast and dead. And as the author of Guerrilla P.R. (the most widely used introduction to Public Relations in the world), Levine pioneered the rapid response approach to Public Relations.
Large Results
In the course of a campaign, we have gotten clients featured in Time, Newsweek, People, "Nightline", The New York Times, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal, among others, which is sometimes worth millions of dollars of free credible exposure. Visibility equals credibility. As Media Experts, we take previous promotional material and turn it into other diverse media opportunities. Thinking “outside the box” takes clients into promotional areas usually overlooked such as: letters to the editor, questions on “Jeopardy”, editorial pieces, charity events, etc.
Media References
According to CNN Levine’s approach to Public Relations is “as focused as a bullet in flight.”
Written Results
All clients receive a written media report along with a monthly servicing report that details exactly what is being done, taking the mystery out of the Public Relations process.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Levine
310.248.6222 x10
Email: levinepr2@earthlink.net