The most widely used introduction to P.R. in the world...
In clear and concise language, Michael Levine, one of the top public relations counselors in the country, reveals the same procedures he uses every day to get press on major stars- and how they can be utilized on little or no budget. With case histories, tips from his own experiences and a start-up list of important contacts, Levine shows you how to think like a publicist and map out a strategy for success.
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100% of the top 25 business schools in America use "Guerrilla P.R." by Michael Levine (Harper/Collins):
- Harvard University
- Stanford University
- Northwestern University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Columbia University
- University of California - Berkeley
- Duke University
- University of Chicago
- University of Michigan — Ann Arbor
- Dartmouth College
- New York University
- University of California - Los Angeles
- Yale University
- University of Virginia
- Cornell University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- University of Texas - Austin
- Indiana University - Bloomington
- University of Southern California
- Georgetown University
- Emory University
- Ohio State University
- Purdue University - West Lafayette

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"Levine is one of the top P.R. folks in the world, and has represented major, major stars...Guerrilla P.R.'s subtitle is "How you can arrange an effective publicity campaign without going broke." They say it's gimmicky, but as Tom Peters says in the book, the gimmick is that it works... The stuff is very well done and true."
-- CNN
